Central Florida Weather (click for complete post)

Central Florida Weather (click for complete post)

Each person describes "Ideal weather" uniquely. Guests coming from climates with long, cold winters love November through March.  Guests accustomed to warmer climates enjoy the warmer shoulder seasons of summer, including early fall and late spring, and evenings in the summer.  

*OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, FEBRUARY and MARCH may be favorite months for many guests.  Humidity is lower during these cooler months, but daytime temps are usually 70s to mid-80s F.  

*END OF NOVEMBER and DECEMBER, JANUARY:  Mid-60s to mid-70s F temps during the day, with infrequent day temps in the 50's F.  Be prepared with warm mittens and sweatshirts (possible even light coats) for these sporadic cold snaps for a day or two during December and January. 

*APRIL and MAY warm up significantly with temps in the 80s to mid 90s F.  Humidity starts to increase a bit.  Some days are perfect 70s, other days are really quite hot and humid.  May begin raining daily for 30-ish minutes in the late afternoons.

JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, and SEPTEMBER are hot and very humid at 90 to 100 degrees F.  This is Florida's wet season, and it rains nearly every day for about 30+ minutes in the afternoons, typically between 3-6 PM.  Usually the humidity clears significantly after the afternoon rains, and weather is more enjoyable around 6 or 7 PM.  Evenings in the summer are comfortably warm.  Guests from the South and Eastern U.S.A. who are accustomed to humidity combined with summer heat are less affected by the intense warmth of the Florida summers than our guests from other climates.